Lockabox 2020 recap | How our locked storage box is taking the storage market by storm!

Lockabox 2020 | Locked storage box

Lockabox 2020 recap!

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone and unprecedented in ways we could never imagine. Here at Lockabox, we wanted to end the year on a happy note by looking at our highlights of 2020, the positive moments in a difficult time, and share with you how our locked storage box is taking the storage market by storm!

2020 Record Sales Year for Lockabox and our locked storage box! 

Although 2020 has been a tough year for many reasons, for Lockabox we had our best sales to date, meaning 2020 was a record sales year for us as a business. During 2020 our sales grew by 170% compared with the previous year, an amazing achievement for us and one that we are very proud of especially given the difficult and unprecedented times this year brought! This growth was fuelled by PPC campaigns on Amazon reaching both record growth and return on investment, a project that has been invested in for the past few years. 

Our customer reviews also grew and we passed the 3000 review mark on Amazon, alongside joining TrustPilot, a trusted review platform to support our website. All these amazing customers and the time they take to leave reviews, has allowed us to learn more about our customers than ever before. This has led to the development of a greater understanding of what our brand means to people and has fuelled an extensive marketing strategy that we are excited to launch in 2021.

Growing the Lockabox HQ team in 2020

Not only have our sales grown, so has our team! This year our Lockabox HQ more than doubled – growing the team from 3 to 7 key staff members. We gained a Financial Controller, Bookkeeper, Customer Experience Specialist, and Marketing Specialist. These exciting additions to our team have contributed to the success of 2020 and we are looking forward to growing further together in 2021.

Opening of a second manufacturer in the UK

A further area of growth has been our supply chain. In 2020, we opened a second manufacturer within the UK. Being part of the Made in Britain campaign has always held huge importance to us, therefore as growth increased we knew it was the right decision to gain another manufacturer within the UK. These manufacturers will support our global growth in 2021 and help us to achieve all our aspirations!

USA here we come 

2020 has been an area of huge growth within the US. We have experienced a huge amount of sales through Amazon US and learned that there is a proven need for our product within the US market. This encouraged us to apply for a US trademark which has now been approved, a very exciting time for us! We are looking forward to seeing what 2021 has to offer and to be launching the Lockabox One Jet on Amazon US, as well as optimising our website to the American consumer.

Proved Resilience – Working From Home 

This year has been an unprecedented time for all, for one, we never imagined working from home due to the tight knit and dynamic environment of the office. For Lockabox, 2020 has shown us how resilient we are as a team. We have been blown away by our productivity and efficiency when working from home and the growth of the business that has been achieved from remote working. We no longer fear working from home and instead it will be something we continue to embrace within the New Year as Covid restrictions continue. 

Here is to 2021, what is next for our locked storage box?…

Not all of 2020 was positive and along with the rest of the UK, we undoubtedly had some difficult times. Going into 2021 we wanted to share our best highlights of 2020 and the positives from the previous year. We are hugely excited about what is to come in 2021 for our locked storage box, including launching in Australia and further colours of the Lockabox One entering the US. We hope you will continue this journey with us, please follow us on socials (linked below) to get all the latest updates!

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